AP_OutsideSale Data Dictionary

Detailed Description of Each Column in the AP_OutsideSale Table

Original Column Name Expanded Column Name Description
OutsideSaleID Outside Sales Identification The unique identifier for a sale that occurs outside of the company's primary sales channels.
CompetitorID Competitor Identification The unique identifier for a competitor associated with the outside sale.
DatePurchased Date Purchased The date on which the goods or services were purchased in the outside sale.
NoteGenEntryID Note Generation Entry Identification The unique identifier for the entry of generated notes regarding the outside sale.
ProductTypeID Product Type Identification The unique identifier for the type of product involved in the outside sale.
RecptID Recipient Identification The unique identifier for the recipient of the goods or services in the outside sale.
RecptTypeID Recipient Type Identification The unique identifier for the type of recipient involved in the outside sale.
UsageID Usage Identification The unique identifier for the usage record of goods or services from the outside sale.
UserID User Identification The unique identifier for the user associated with the outside sale transaction.
ZUChkSum ZU Checksum A checksum value used for audit logs to ensure data integrity in the outside sale records.
ZUDate ZU Date The date associated with the ZU (audit log) entry for the outside sale.
ZULogonHisID ZU Logon History Identification The unique identifier for a user's logon history entry associated with the outside sale in the audit logs.